50 years
Glass museum
1975 - 2025
50 years
Glass museum
1975 - 2025
History, modern architecture and art

The museum

Welcome to the fascinating world of glass. The material has been used to create artistic and functional objects for thousands of years. But what makes glass so special? Visitors to the Glass Museum will find out - on a journey through the cultural history of glass, from its beginnings in Mesopotamia to the present day.

The modern architecture of the museum building also shows to the outside world that the work here is contemporary and innovative. The architectural staging of the exhibition can be admired on 1300 m² of exhibition space in the round building. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the glass museum presents exciting special exhibitions with international artists. 

As part of the museum's educational programme, we introduce children to glass and the craft in a playful way. We want to encourage them to understand the significance and history of the material and use their creativity and imagination to design their own works of art. We have also created a special section for children on our website. Our friendly museum spirit Durandl will show you the way.

50 Jahre Glasmuseum Frauenau Logo

We are celebrating 50 years of the Frauenau Glass Museum!
In 1972, when our then mayor Alfons Hannes, artist Erwin Eisch and master glassmaker Helmut Schneck came up with the idea of setting up a municipal museum in a former sawmill, the foundation stone was laid for today's glass museum. With great vision and passion, those involved realised the museum project and were finally able to bring it to life with the opening in 1975.
At that time, nobody could have guessed how well the glass museum would develop over the years.
A special milestone was reached in 2002, when a project group of designers, architects and scientific conceptualisers took on the task of re-staging the museum. In 2005, the 30th anniversary year, we were finally able to open the new museum with a spectacular staging of the exhibits on double the space.
The museum has been nationalised since 2014 and still plays a very important role in communicating the history of glass in our region and beyond with its unique exhibitions.

Digital and always changing

Virtual Glass Museum

This is where our virtual museum is created. Our digital exhibits are developed specifically for the digital presentation based on existing themes and objects in the museum. The exhibition in our virtual museum is growing gradually.

Click through our virtual building. Have fun!

Kids Experience

Click point

Learning world museum


At the Frauenau Glass Museum, children and young people discover culture and history as well as glass crafts, art and design in a creative way. Social and scientific topics are vividly conveyed by means of original exhibits and their exciting stories.

Special event


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Information on
to the visit

Here you will find compact and transparent information about your visit to the Glass Museum. From our current opening hours to admission prices.

Design competition


4th design competition as part of the co-operation between the Zwiesel Glass College and the Frauenau Glass Museum to promote young designers. 

Take part now!


Currently in
Glass museum

19.03.25 - 26.03.25

Programme of the museum workshop

Museum workshop
18.04.24 - 19.01.25

Il Bambino romantico

26.01.25 - 27.07.25


Large hall

A timeless
From the
into the future

Artist portrait


Kreative Ostereier aus Glas – inspiriert von der Museumswerkstatt des Glasmuseums! 🐣Lass deiner Kreativität freien Lauf und tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Farben und Texturen. Verzierte gläserne Ostereier mit Acryllack, setze kunstvolle Akzente mit Wattestäbchen oder Nägelköpfen, bringe mit Glitzerpuder extra Glanz und kreiere edle Highlights mit Reliefpaste und Goldfolie. Mach dein Ostern einzigartig!
✨ Faszinierende Farben & kunstvolle Details! ✨ Das Glasmuseum begeistert mit atemberaubender Glaskunst – wie dem beeindruckenden Fenster von Marc Angus im Bereich Industrialisierung.
Eine heiße Tasse Tee geht auch an sonnigen Frühlingstagen. ☀️ Genauso wie ein Besuch im Glasmuseum. Schaut vorbei!
Der Frühling legt gerade eine Pause ein, aber in Frauenau gibt es trotzdem viel zu entdecken! 🌧️ Schaut ins Video und lasst euch inspirieren. Sollen wir noch mehr Tipps teilen? 💬
Künstler hautnah 🎨✨Letztes Jahr kamen die Künstlerporträts so gut bei euch an – also geht’s in eine neue Runde!  Freut euch auf spannende Einblicke in die Kunstszene, den Auftakt macht G. Jo Hruschka vom Atelier Männerhaut in Zwiesel. Jetzt abonnieren, um nichts zu verpassen! 📲
💎✨ Schmuck mit Geschichte - Von der Schatztruhe auf dem Speicher ins Museum: Die Studiensammlung „Schmuckes Glas“ bewahrt den einzigartigen Nachlass von Franz Josef Ginzel aus Gablonz an der Neisse. Jede Perle, jedes Detail steckt voller Geschichte – ein Besuch lohnt sich, um all die verborgenen Schätze zu entdecken!
Glass home Bavaria

Around Frauenau

Visit us

In the glass museum