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StudiOGLAS collection


Art by Erwin Eisch


A figure made of mirrored glass lies on a stretcher. Two women dressed in pink are getting ready to remove the body. This installation in the Frauenau Glass Museum is entitled "Narcissus". It was created by the artist Erwin Eisch. He took an artistic approach to glass. It should have no utility value and serve as an artistic means of expression for sculptural works.

Do you know the story of Narcissus from Greek mythology?

Narcissus was the beautiful son of a river god and a water nymph. He had many admirers, but he rejected them all. The nymph Echo also fell in love with the handsome young man, but he only responded to her advances with mockery. As a result, he was cursed by Nemesis, the deity of revenge and divine justice: he would only be able to love himself. Looking into the water, he fell in love with his own reflection. When he tried to embrace his reflection, he drowned and a daffodil blossomed where he had been sitting.

Erwin Eisch was inspired by this story. He saw parallels to being an artist and the constant striving for perfection and beauty.

If you take a look at this installation, you're bound to think of terms that fit.


What terms come to mind when you look at the artwork?

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